Brief Introduction of Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Plot: One
year after the events of the previous films, Kristen Parker is stalked by
Freddy Krueger and he slashes her wrists. Her mother Elaine finds her awake
with her wrist cut and a razor in her hands, which makes it seem like an
attempted suicide. By this time, all the children of Springwood have been
killed by Freddy except for a few who are committed to Westin Hills Asylum.
Aside from Kristen, the survivors are: Roland Kincaid, Phillip Anderson,
Jennifer Caulfield, Will Stanton, Taryn White, and Joey Krusel. Nancy Thompson
is now working there. Another worker, Neil Gordon, is constantly seeing a nun
named Sister Mary Helena mysteriously disappear. Freddy attacks Kristen,
turning into a snake and trying to eat her…